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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

YOLO: Your Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

“You only live once”. Go cliff diving, eat a whole pizza, or buy your first property at the age of 23! 

Why do people dare to do these things? 

What have you dared to do lately to fulfill your dreams? 

YOLO means doing something fun and reckless to get a sense of adventure. Some call it irrational and impulsive. They say it could leave you broke: your bones or your savings. But in more positive regard, the YOLO mindset is about going past the what-ifs of the opportunities you wish you haven’t missed. Your Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (YOLO) suggests prioritizing to take action — pursuing the things that you wanted and needed to do. It is about seizing the day to live an extraordinary life. 

In entering property investments or doing a 360-degree turn in your career, it is very often that the beginning could be challenging. I can understand the concerns of investors. Along the way, many factors could affect before one fully dive-in naked into the business: fear, criticisms, and other people’s opinions. But if you go back to your intentions and your core values, you will be reminded that your intentions are good and aligned with the things you have always dreamed about. 

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Talking about having only one life, this means how you make every waking hour of your life count. Every day we are given 86,400 seconds and it is our choice what to do with it. Either you keep the life that only gets you by or decides to set yourself free from the rat race. Doing things targeted to your dreams makes you feel motivated and more alive. While, when living in hate, fear, envy, regrets, bad habits, and negativity, these are a complete waste of time and energy. It makes you busy dying and does not go to help you succeed. Therefore, I have listed five things successful people do to live life to the fullest.

1. Choose the right team

You become whom you hang around with. As an investor, employee, manager, or a normal individual, it is necessary to learn how you build your team. The right people are the ones that support your dreams, raise your energy levels, make you feel great, and most importantly, align with your values. Your partners in building your dream should not drain you out but help you grow. It’s time to hang around with winners to become a winner in life yourself.  

2. Work with a Plan 

Successful people plan because, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” right? Remember that we want to make each day count. And the best way to maximize time is to plan. Set your agenda for a daily basis that’s good, but it’s also wiser to see it on a longer-term scale. Plan your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly targets ahead of time. This way, it becomes easier to track progress and have a better visual of how you are winning with your goals. 

3. Stop worrying about things out of control

Successful entrepreneurs, take ownership, while the broke people become victims of their circumstances. Do not worry about the things you cannot control so that you can give more time and energy for yourself to take control of the things that you can. 

4. Focus on the present moment 

Losers always dwell on the past and imprisoned themselves in it. Successful people don’t stick themselves with loss and regret. They take full accountability every single day. If yesterday is not a good day for business, they move forward and tell themselves that today is another day to turn things around and make the best out of it. 

5. Does not compare achievement to others

Don’t focus on what other entrepreneurs, investors are doing. Where the focus goes that’s where the energy flows and the results will show. Focus on what you’re doing and be a hundred percent present in your craft. Be the best you can be, the only person you can compare yourself with is the person you used to be, that is the only race that you can win with. 

Life is too short, to get yourself stuck in regret. Too precious, to deal with people that make you feel less alive. It is a now or never thing. At the end of the day, your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is to be able to live. 

Living your life, I mean TRULY living your life is the best choice you can make every day. As Robert Kiyosaki said, “Your destiny relies on how you spend your money and your time. Your family’s future will be determined by your choices today.” 

I and my team moved past the “what ifs” and starts to see the “what is” in real estate investment. I commit myself to seize the day and dive into the pool of success. Because YOLO!

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