Entrepreneurial Mindset Franchise Partnership

Don’t bring your life in balance! – It will kill your dreams!

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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

Don't bring your life in balance! - It will kill your dreams!

Would you like a better life? If so, you must accept and understand the concept of living in balance. Living in balance is simple: your focus must be on acceptance— understanding why things are as they are, and instead of trying to change things, you must accept them. In the hands of a skilled practitioner, accepting small changes can bring about massive improvements. Reluctant learners may find this concept much harder to accept than at first glance though. We’d rather play with a stick than live with our hands tied behind our back. Pain is inevitable. It happens with everything that we do.

When you’re in pain, some things are inevitable. When you’re hurting, some things are out of your control. Pain is part of the process, so you have to embrace it. If you don’t — like you’re at the gym and you’re afraid of lifting some heavyweights because it’ll hurt your muscles — then you’re just not going to get very far.

You know, life can knock you down a few times, hit you in the teeth, and make you bleed but that’s no reason to quit. No matter what, life is going to hurt; it’s up to us whether we want to be a victim or a warrior.

The more someone hurts us, the harder we fight for them.

Balance is the enemy of greatness

Bringing your life into balance is the last thing you should do. If you want to be truly successful in life, you can’t bring your life in balance. You must go out of balance and stay there, even if it hurts.

In the world of business, balance is often seen as a positive asset. People say that you need to have a healthy work-life balance so that you can have better results at work and home.

But in today’s article, we’ll tell you why we think that there’s no such thing as a “healthy” balance. We’ll argue that balance is the enemy of greatness.

Balance is boring and keeps you mediocre

Don’t get us wrong, the balance has its place. If you want to become an average person who does average things and leads an average life, that’s great! Balance is for you! It will keep your life in check and will prevent it from falling apart.

But if you want to achieve excellence — if you want to be extraordinary — then the balance is your worst enemy.

Balance is a visual illusion

Balance is a visual illusion and just a way to compensate for our emotions. If we see something that is not balanced, we feel bad or uncomfortable. If we are the ones who create something that is not balanced, we feel bad and frustrated because our minds want everything to be equal and we can’t accept it if something doesn’t look right.

Designers use the balance to create visual interest in their work and to communicate information easily and clearly. For example, an unbalanced design would look weird and chaotic but when you add balance, you make the design visually appealing.

It’s not real, it’s an invention of our minds. We want to feel safe and comfortable and that’s why we crave balance. Balance makes us feel protected from chaos and instability.

Balance is important in the way that it gives us safety, but without balance, life would be boring. It’s okay to have a little imbalance in life because when something is balanced it’s also static. Imbalance gives movement, it makes things more interesting. If everything was perfectly balanced there would be no progress or change, no evolution. Change comes from imbalance.

Don’t try to balance everything. It’s impossible!

Here’s the thing: We don’t think you can. We don’t think anyone can.

The idea that you can and should balance everything is a myth. It’s a myth that’s rooted in a deep desire to believe that we can control everything and that outcomes are within our control. If we just try hard enough, we can have it all! If we just work hard enough, we can do it all! 

If we just keep working long enough, somehow it will all get done.

But the truth is, you’re one person with finite resources and energy. You can’t be infinite and limitless. You can only do so much. You must make choices about how you spend your time and energy. And sometimes those choices mean letting some things fall away so you can focus on other things more fully.

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LegacyBuilders Global – A System Where Everybody Gets PAID
Achievement – Loyalty – Accountability – Curiosity – Authenticity

Check out this episode of the Grab Life by The Horns Podcast at Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Get PAID. We don’t create investors; we create LegacyBuilders.

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How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

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Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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Our Top 10 Learnings in 2020

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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

Our Top 10 Learnings in 2020

What we learned from all the difficulties that we had to face in the past is the importance of having a positive mindset. Even if something goes wrong, it’s necessary not to get affected by that and keep going. And the only way to do it is to see everything with a positive spirit and look for solutions instead of problems. Because when you look at everything as a problem, it will feel like your problems will never end.

It’s been a tough year for a lot of startups and online businesses but it has also presented great opportunities for those who have adopted the right mentality. So, we’d like to take some time to discuss what I mean by “the right mentality” and how this will affect everything you do in the future.

Here are 10 things that we learned in the year 2020:

  1. Getting your mind in the right direction is really the most important thing.
    Getting your mind in the right direction is really the most important thing. If you’re not focused on what you’re doing and don’t have a clear plan, it’s easy to get off track from your goals. Once you’ve got your mind in the right direction, you can start to focus on the practical steps that will help you reach your goals.
  2. Things happen because you did something or didn’t do something.
    There are things that happened because you did something or didn’t do something. You are responsible for these things. And even if they hurt you or cause frustration or embarrassment, they’re yours and they make up who and where you are today.

    You can’t change what has already happened, but you can change what happens tomorrow. And tomorrow is starting right now.
  3. Focus on what you can control.
    The only thing you can control is the way that you show up, the way that you work, the way that you fight through adversity, how hard you work each day and how much positivity you bring to your teammates.

    Look at the situation, take a step back and look at how you’re seeing it.
  4. Work as a team, choose the right circle.
    Don’t expect to come out of the gate running. You’ll need to build your circle first. Don’t just choose anyone as your team. Make sure that you share a vision and that you’re willing to work together in achieving it.

    Choosing the right people will help you build a strong foundation for your business.
  5. Your inner circle is the best support system.
    Your inner circle is the group of people you can trust with your darkest secrets and most vulnerable moments. When you think about it, there are probably only a handful of people in your life who you truly feel this way about. Your parents, siblings or spouse may be among them. Beyond that, though, your inner circle may include just one or two other people.

    When you are facing a tough situation, the people who love you and care about you most are the ones who can help you get through it.
  6. Personality of People
    We have to understand the personality of people. We have to know what others think and feel about you. We have to consider what others are looking for in you and we must be aware that it is not always possible to meet all the expectations of others. And we should also know that we should not be trying to do so.

    We need to understand that there are certain things that you cannot ask or expect from everyone.

    There will be people who will not be able to give you everything that you want and there will be some people who can only give you certain things and not everything.
  7. If you don’t have a plan, you’re planning to fail.
    Planning is the key, if you don’t have a plan for your life, somebody’s gonna plan your life. Most people don’t have a plan or they don’t have any idea what they want to do with their life. And that’s the key, you have to stick to your plan and work every day towards it, it may be hard but you have to do it.
  8. Speed of implementation is really a game changer.
    A lot of the time, speed of implementation is really a game changer. Most business ideas have already been thought of — it’s just a matter of executing them well and quickly. I’m a big believer in Richard Branson’s strategy: “Screw it, let’s do it.” Don’t overthink it — just get started, and figure things out as you go.
  9. Balance
    The separation of work and personal life is important. Remember, your job is not who you are. You have many other aspects to your personality that needs attention.

    When you start to lose sight of what’s important in your personal life, you can lose sight of the things that matter to you. Your job can be replaced, but if you have a family and friends, they will always be there for you. Make time for them. 

    Take some time each week and make sure that you are doing something fun and meaningful to you outside of work. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, just something that allows you to express yourself as an individual separate from your career.
  10. Have a headstart!
    We can’t all be first in everything we do, but we can learn from those who are.

    Everyone has just the same 24 hours in a day, but some people are more productive, successful and happy than others. The reason is simple: they know how to manage their time. Time management makes it possible for you to create balance between your personal and professional responsibilities. It also helps you achieve your goals faster with less stress.

    How do you get started?


This is the truth: getting your mind in the right direction is really the most important thing. If you don’t think positively, then chances are that you will never get anywhere.

This coming April 28th and 29th,  Discovery Days will be held in North Cyprus. It is an alternative for people who want change in their lives but are afraid of starting from scratch again. To get more information about this FREE opportunity, click here!

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How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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Pain Is Temporary

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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

Pain Is Temporary

Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. It’s not about winning the gold medal; it’s about the process and enjoyment of getting there. The journey always takes longer than the destination.

Pain is temporary. It’s what we do about it that matters. We can sulk and sweat it out for a day or two, maybe a week before deciding to deal with our situation the right way. It is the right way. Or, we could choose to think positively, confront the situation head on and use that experience to get a lesson or two in life. Neither way is wrong because they both lead us to the same place – acceptance or giving up completely. We’ve chosen not to give up but instead learn an important lesson or two and move on with our lives.

Pain is inevitable. It happens with everything that we do.

When you’re in pain, some things are inevitable. When you’re hurting, some things are out of your control. Pain is part of the process, so you have to embrace it. If you don’t — like you’re at the gym and you’re afraid of lifting some heavy weights because it’ll hurt your muscles — then you’re just not going to get very far.

You know, life can knock you down a few times, hit you in the teeth and make you bleed … but that’s no reason to quit. No matter what, life is going to hurt; it’s up to us whether we want to be a victim or a warrior.

The more someone hurts us, the harder we fight for them.

You have to make the choice and only then move forward with the result.

The pain of thinking about it is temporary, but the pain of regret lasts forever.

There will always be more time to rest, and there will always be more time to sleep. But when it comes to reaching your goals, time is running out.

You have a limited amount of time on this planet. There are only so many hours in each day, and once those hours are gone, you can never get them back.

So why not invest them in something worthwhile? Why not invest them in yourself?

You’ll learn a lot about yourself when you’re tested physically and mentally. You’ll learn who your true friends are and who your true enemies are. And you’ll learn what happens when life pushes you down — and how much strength it takes to get back up again.

No matter what happens, no matter how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. We must realize that our problems are small, so we should not let our problems get bigger by our way of thinking.

This is a fact of life

Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year. But eventually it will subside, and something else will take its place. If we quit, however, it lasts forever. That surrender, even the smallest act of giving up, stays with me. So, when we feel like quitting, we ask ourself, which would we rather live with?

It’s easier to keep going with the right people surrounding you. When it comes to Business and Investment, LegacyBuilders Global might be a best choice for your life vision. Let’s give it a try and meet us at our next free event. to find out if you and we are the right fit together.

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LegacyBuilders Global Team

Our valued members benefit from first access to our best off-market deals, high class group exchanges, expert interviews, exclusive content, special offers and much more. Truly A System Where Everybody Gets PAID!


How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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Gratitude: A Powerful Weapon

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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

Silent Time: Time for Gratitude

Sometimes, I think we take a lot of things for granted. We don’t always notice the things that are right there in front of us — or better yet, behind us. You know, there’s a whole day behind you already when you wake up in the morning. If you’re working a job or doing something, you might be thinking that you can’t be grateful for everything because it’s just too overwhelming. But that’s not true — and I’m going to tell you why.

There’s nothing wrong in taking some time for yourself

When was the last time you took a break? Not just a lunch break or a coffee break, but an actual “I’m not doing anything except relaxing” break. If you can’t remember, it’s probably been too long.

Taking breaks is super important for your productivity and general happiness. But most people don’t take enough of them. Many workers live in fear of wasting time at work, checking email and social media obsessively to make sure they’re never seen as slacking off.

Take a few minutes each day to reflect on your good fortune and cultivate positive emotions

How does one work well under pressure?

The good news is that it’s possible to train yourself to think better when you’re under stress. Here are three simple strategies for building the habit of staying cool, calm, and collected:

Be thankful. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on your good fortune and cultivate positive emotions. Studies show that people who do this tend to be less stressed and happier overall.

Breathe wisely. When you’re feeling anxious, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode. As a result, you breathe faster, your muscles tense up, and your heart races. You can counteract these effects by doing breathing exercises. Sit up straight and close your eyes. Breathe slowly in through your nose for five seconds; pause for three seconds; then exhale slowly through pursed lips for five seconds. Repeat until you feel calmer.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be alone if you want to

Humans are social creatures, so it can be hard to understand what makes some people want to spend time alone. But if you’re one of those people, there’s nothing wrong with it — and here are 5 reasons why you should embrace your desire for solitude.

  1. You have independence
  2. You’ve got time to think things through
  3. You can appreciate the company of others more when you’re alone
  4. You can accomplish more when you’re alone
  5. There’s no need for small talk!

Gratitude is one of the best feelings you can have, and it can breed so many other good feelings. It’s like a chain reaction — when you’re thankful for something, it makes you want to do more things to make yourself feel better and more grateful.

For more information, the LegacyBuilders Global Team is always here to assist you with your business and property investment queries.

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LegacyBuilders Global – A System Where Everybody Gets PAID

Achievement – Loyalty – Accountability – Curiosity – Authenticity

Check out this episode of the Grab Life by The Horns Podcast at Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Get PAID. We don’t create investors; we create LegacyBuilders.

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LegacyBuilders Global Team

Our valued members benefit from first access to our best off-market deals, high class group exchanges, expert interviews, exclusive content, special offers and much more. Truly A System Where Everybody Gets PAID!


How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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How to Control Your Emotions?

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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

How to Control Your Emotions?

Your emotions are an essential part of your reactions. Acknowledging and controlling them can help you with your decision-making skills and help you build successful relationships.

Too often, we are faced with strong emotions that can lead to us making decisions based on our thoughts and emotions. These choices aren’t always positive and can negatively affect our life. Living an entrepreneurial life requires you to control your emotions and not react how you would normally react.

Your emotions are an essential part of your reactions. Acknowledging and controlling them can help you with your decision-making skills and help you build successful relationships.

When an event occurs or something does not go according to plan, it’s easy to react, and get frustrated. You think of all the hard work and effort you put in, which fuels the frustration. You must learn to productively express your emotions and channel these feelings into something creative.

The impacts of your emotions on your professional and personal life can be detrimental if you do not learn how to get over these feelings, take the energy sparked from your emotions or turn that into something constructive. Controlling your emotions can translate into controlling that energy and using it towards something more beneficial in your life.

The faster you’re able to overcome strong emotions and reactions, the sooner you can change your perspective and allow you to focus on the greater side of life.

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Life

There will always be something in life that is out of your control. How you react can determine your successes. It is essential for you to be able to take ownership of your emotions, especially in these circumstances. Your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all types of energy. And when you accept these energies, the law of attraction will provide you with more positive changes.

Taking responsibility for your own life means taking responsibility for your actions. Your thoughts and experiences drive your actions, and when you can positively shape your thoughts and feelings, you can transform your life. In order to do that, you have to stop blaming others and playing the victim. If things are not going to plan or not going the way you want, it’s not a blame game. Take the opportunity to see the bigger picture and ask yourself what you can learn from this experience.

Key to Success in Controlling Your Emotions

Learning to control your emotions takes time, patience, and willingness. You first have to learn to acknowledge and accept your feelings and identify the root of those feelings. You then can take what you learn from connecting these emotions and express them in a productive way instead of bottling them up or expressing them in a way that can be harmful to your relationships or professional life.

Accept them, take a deep breath, and transform that into something creative that can positively benefit you and your life moving forward.

Check out this episode of the Grab Life by The Horns Podcast at Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Get PAID. We don’t create investors. We create LegacyBuilders.

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LegacyBuilders Global Team

Our valued members benefit from first access to our best off-market deals, high class group exchanges, expert interviews, exclusive content, special offers and much more. Truly A System Where Everybody Gets PAID!


How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

Entrepreneurial Mindset Franchise Partnership

How Fear Makes You a Winner?

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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

How Fear Makes You a Winner?​

We won’t sugarcoat it for you — fear will stop you from reaching most goals in life. But fear doesn’t have to be the nemesis. When used effectively, it is a pillar for success. Fear helps build willpower, discipline, and determination to become your best self and win all your way to success.

Have you ever felt scared when setting goals and achieving your dreams?

You’re not the only one.

The good news is that every successful individual felt scared too. If they didn’t, they would never take risks, and they wouldn’t be where they are today. Successful people power through not because of the absence of fear but the courage to do it.

We have all heard the saying: “If you can’t beat fear, just do it scared.”

This can be one of your greatest assets if you learn to use it the right way – fear can make you a winner in your personal and professional goals.

Why You Need to Overcome Your Fears

“What if I fail?” But, “What if not?”

“I’m not sure.” The fear of the unknown is something that we can relate to.

We’re sure you have those moments too when you ask yourself what’s scary about what I’m doing. But if it persists inside your head and feels the urge to do it, by all means just do it.

Some people think the only way to overcome their fears is to avoid doing what scares them-but this is not the case. In order to get over your fears, you need to do what scares you. Doing so will help build your self-confidence and sustain your momentum of success, which will make it easier for you, the next time something scares you comes along.

By facing your fears head-on, you are learning how to take control of your life and live without regrets. Part of healthy coping mechanisms with fear is projecting the worst-case scenario and realizing that it’s not so bad after all. What else could you lose?

You’ll be surprised to find out in the end, how the gains outweigh the loss. Looking back, you’d thank yourself for braving through.

Practice And Preparation

This is a battle for our dreams, and in every battle, we know how important it is to come prepared. We can get a high chance of winning by training ourselves to be fearless in the face of challenges: visualization and positive affirmations.

How do you visualize success?

A good way to start is with a simple timeline of your day, plan out what you want to accomplish and what obstacles might stand in your way. Visualize yourself overcoming those obstacles, which trains your brain for success.

Why should we do what scares us?

Doing things that scare us is important because they help us grow, and develop our resilience. They push our limits and allow us to stretch ourselves in ways we never knew were possible. Plus, doing what scares us often leads to greater opportunities!

5 Steps to Overcome Fear

To be the person we aspire to be, we have to learn to live with fear. It is either you let it overpower you or empower you.

Here are five actionable steps you can use to power through your fears:

  1. List down what scares you
  2. Identify where your fears come from
  3. Acknowledge what could be the worst outcome
  4. Take fear as an opportunity rather than a threat
  5. Celebrate overcoming something that previously scared you


Fear is a powerful force that can hold you back from ever experiencing the life you deserve.

Understanding the reasons, why you’re scared is the first step to overcoming fear. Once you identify it, there are steps you can take to get over those fears. Practice and preparation are also important. Doing something scary every day will help you to get over it eventually.

Stop being held back by fear like everybody else. Especially if you have bigger dreams and want to become a successful entrepreneur like ourselves. Don’t ever let your fears defeat your dreams! We know you can win it!

If you are not scared, you are not dreaming big enough. You’ve reached this part of the article and we feel that you have it in you. -The ambition to power through! Now if it gets overwhelming, please feel free to contact us. The LegacyBuilders Global Team is always here to assist you with your business and property investment queries.

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LegacyBuilders Global – A System Where Everybody Gets PAID
Achievement – Loyalty – Accountability – Curiosity – Authenticity

Check out this episode of the Grab Life by The Horns Podcast at Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Get PAID. We don’t create investors; we create LegacyBuilders. 

Forbes, Iteach, Jim Carroll, Forbes

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Our valued members benefit from first access to our best off-market deals, high class group exchanges, expert interviews, exclusive content, special offers and much more. Truly A System Where Everybody Gets PAID!


How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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How To Make Sure You Will Never Succeed?

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Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global

How To Make Sure You Will Never Succeed?

Knowing the key formula to achieve success is equally important as knowing how to fail. Part of strategic planning is knowing not only what to do but also what NOT to do.

There is always an element of uncertainty in life; there’s no way to avoid that. But the one thing you can do to ensure that you will never succeed believes that success was your destiny. If you think the world owes you your success, you’ll be doomed to fail.

Entitlement thinking can be detrimental to anyone. It’s worth exploring how your entitlement mindset may stand in the way of achieving your goals.

Understanding Entitlement Thinking

Some people believe that they deserve to be successful and happy without any effort. This leads to a defeatist attitude and an unwillingness to do what it takes to succeed. This can be a damaging mindset that paralyzes both your personal and professional growth. It can come from various sources, such as a person’s upbringing or past experiences.

Entitlement thinking is so pervasive that it threatens to sabotage your best-laid plans. You can’t win without trying, and you won’t succeed if you’re only focused on feeling entitled because you never push yourself to grow and develop.

It’s easy to get hooked on that all-encompassing feeling of superiority but we have to break the entitlement habit and take responsibility for what we want in life.

What It Means to Be Self-Made

Self-made people have accepted the fact that success is not pre-destined. They must play as the main character responsible for their own success story. Hence, they become self-reliant, self-motivated, and embraced accountability.

It can be difficult to quit feeling entitled, especially if you’ve had the privilege in life. But it’s critical to see past your entitlement to achieve success.

Be hands-on to have the skills and tools to be successful. Invest in the knowledge and applications to get you through such as reading books, seeking coaching and mentorship programs, training and seminars.

This way, you can ensure that you’ll be exposed to the correct network and have used your time wisely.

6 Ways to Beat Entitlement Thinking

It’s difficult to be successful when you’re drowning in entitlement. It’s not because entitlement means that people have lower odds of success, but because the odds of success are low for everyone.

Here are 6 ways to beat entitled thinking and reap the rewards:

  1. Start working for what you want
  2. Accept that success is not guaranteed
  3. Learn from others who have succeeded
  4. Stop blaming the world for your problems
  5. Take responsibility for your life
  6. Understand the value of time

Success is not guaranteed

It’s important to remember that success is not guaranteed and that you have to work hard for it. As entrepreneurs ourselves, we learned that you have to have a strategic plan for your life and that’s your duty. You are responsible for your own life, your financial well-being, and your health — for everything. Your life is what you make it.

If you want to succeed, you have to build your success like you would build a house. You cannot just build your dream house overnight. As it is a work in progress you must expect that there will always be challenges and obstacles along the way. Nobody will serve it to you on a silver platter.

Think about what you could do to earn success instead of waiting for it. You need to be persistent, resilient, and emerge yourself by getting off entitlement thinking.


Now we know how to make sure you will never succeed. The truth is nobody owes us anything. If we want to make a change in our lives, we have to do it ourselves. It’s a common misconception that you can be successful by luck without any help or experience.

If you want to be successful, you need to put in the work. It’s time to let go of entitlement thinking and start taking responsibility for your goals!

Check out this episode of the Grab Life by The Horns Podcast at Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Get PAID. We don’t create investors; we create LegacyBuilders. 

Please feel free to contact us for further information should you have questions regarding your investments and businesses. The LegacyBuilders Global Team is always happy to support you.

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How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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How to Get Things Done even if You Don’t Feel Like It?

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How to Get Things Done even if "You Don't Feel Like It?

Every single day, we make a decision: to get up or lay down a little longer. Yes. Every day is a battle. It is You vs You. At the same time, everybody aspires to be successful.

But how could anyone keep pushing onward when you don’t feel like doing anything towards it? 

“I don’t feel like it” is not new to anyone. It is human nature. In psychology, they refer to it as loss of flow. Sometimes you are just not into it. You suddenly become less energetic than usual, and things take more effort. There are days when you feel like you are dragging yourself out of bed. You are slower and less motivated to do anything.

Several factors are at play whenever you catch yourself in a situation where you ‘don’t feel like it; it could be procrastination or lack of self-commitment.

Even the highest paying athlete, most influential businessman, or wealthiest man in the world has one of those days dealing with this frame of mind. What separates winners from underachievers is how they persist and thrive despite lacking motivation. 


To keep yourself motivated is personal. What works for others might not work for you. Motivating yourself is one of the fundamental things that sets high achievers apart, and this is tricky and utterly challenging. 

Each day anything could happen that might prevent you from putting work onto tasks needed to achieve your goals. There will be days that you feel the need to take a day off – and that is completely fine. Take a rest but do not always take this as a resort each time you don’t feel like doing it. It would be best to practice motivating yourself to get up and get work done.  

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation 

Motivation is categorized into two basic types: Intrinsic and Extrinsic. The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is that a) Intrinsic motivation comes from within while b) extrinsic motivation comes from outside. Whereas a) involves performing tasks that are personally rewarding to you and b) it involves completing duties and expressing efforts because of external causes, such as to receive a reward or avoid punishment., Both types of motivation are essential, and it brings different effects on how you work.

How to Keep Motivated even if “You Don’t Feel Like It.”

Research suggests some simple strategies to keep you going even though you are so out in the flow: To set intrinsically rewarding goals and make them very specific. Practice these five ways to give you an extra kick whenever you say, “I don’t feel like it”:

  1. Design intentional goals
  2. Set Effective Rewards
  3. Sustain Progress
  4. Harness Positive Social Influence
  5. Just do it

On the days a task appears to be less inspiring – whether going to the gym, finishing client presentations, completing training modules – stop justifying your excuses. Focus on satisfying aspects of it or combine it with fun activities. Get yourself proper rewards for getting things done.

To avoid burnout, break objectives into subgoals; check how much you’ve accomplished until you’re halfway there; and then count down what’s left. Empower social influence: Let your mentors, coaches, and those who have succeeded in their fields inspire you. Starting is the hardest part, but it gets easier as you go along. You get moving, and you just got to do it. 


It always seems impossible until it is done. Every day is a battle. It is You vs You. Your entire being as a goal-getter will always be working towards your usual balance. The sooner you start putting your body into motion, the easier it will be to keep the momentum of accomplishing things. Motivating oneself is one of the most intricate skills to master, but it is critical to success.

Check out this episode of the Grab Life by The Horns Podcast at Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Get PAID. We don’t create investors; we create LegacyBuilders. 

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Achievement – Loyalty – Accountability – Curiosity – Authenticity
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How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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YOLO: Your Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

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YOLO: Your Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

“You only live once”. Go cliff diving, eat a whole pizza, or buy your first property at the age of 23! 

Why do people dare to do these things? 

What have you dared to do lately to fulfill your dreams? 

YOLO means doing something fun and reckless to get a sense of adventure. Some call it irrational and impulsive. They say it could leave you broke: your bones or your savings. But in more positive regard, the YOLO mindset is about going past the what-ifs of the opportunities you wish you haven’t missed. Your Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (YOLO) suggests prioritizing to take action — pursuing the things that you wanted and needed to do. It is about seizing the day to live an extraordinary life. 

In entering property investments or doing a 360-degree turn in your career, it is very often that the beginning could be challenging. I can understand the concerns of investors. Along the way, many factors could affect before one fully dive-in naked into the business: fear, criticisms, and other people’s opinions. But if you go back to your intentions and your core values, you will be reminded that your intentions are good and aligned with the things you have always dreamed about. 

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

Talking about having only one life, this means how you make every waking hour of your life count. Every day we are given 86,400 seconds and it is our choice what to do with it. Either you keep the life that only gets you by or decides to set yourself free from the rat race. Doing things targeted to your dreams makes you feel motivated and more alive. While, when living in hate, fear, envy, regrets, bad habits, and negativity, these are a complete waste of time and energy. It makes you busy dying and does not go to help you succeed. Therefore, I have listed five things successful people do to live life to the fullest.

1. Choose the right team

You become whom you hang around with. As an investor, employee, manager, or a normal individual, it is necessary to learn how you build your team. The right people are the ones that support your dreams, raise your energy levels, make you feel great, and most importantly, align with your values. Your partners in building your dream should not drain you out but help you grow. It’s time to hang around with winners to become a winner in life yourself.  

2. Work with a Plan 

Successful people plan because, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” right? Remember that we want to make each day count. And the best way to maximize time is to plan. Set your agenda for a daily basis that’s good, but it’s also wiser to see it on a longer-term scale. Plan your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly targets ahead of time. This way, it becomes easier to track progress and have a better visual of how you are winning with your goals. 

3. Stop worrying about things out of control

Successful entrepreneurs, take ownership, while the broke people become victims of their circumstances. Do not worry about the things you cannot control so that you can give more time and energy for yourself to take control of the things that you can. 

4. Focus on the present moment 

Losers always dwell on the past and imprisoned themselves in it. Successful people don’t stick themselves with loss and regret. They take full accountability every single day. If yesterday is not a good day for business, they move forward and tell themselves that today is another day to turn things around and make the best out of it. 

5. Does not compare achievement to others

Don’t focus on what other entrepreneurs, investors are doing. Where the focus goes that’s where the energy flows and the results will show. Focus on what you’re doing and be a hundred percent present in your craft. Be the best you can be, the only person you can compare yourself with is the person you used to be, that is the only race that you can win with. 

Life is too short, to get yourself stuck in regret. Too precious, to deal with people that make you feel less alive. It is a now or never thing. At the end of the day, your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is to be able to live. 

Living your life, I mean TRULY living your life is the best choice you can make every day. As Robert Kiyosaki said, “Your destiny relies on how you spend your money and your time. Your family’s future will be determined by your choices today.” 

I and my team moved past the “what ifs” and starts to see the “what is” in real estate investment. I commit myself to seize the day and dive into the pool of success. Because YOLO!

LegacyBuilders Global
Achievement – Loyalty – Accountability – Curiosity – Authenticity
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How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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Leverage Change: The Advantage of Embracing Change Instead of Resisting It

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Leverage Change: The Advantage of Embracing Change Instead of Resisting It

Whenever asked, “If you can change one thing in your life, what is it?” “I wouldn’t change anything at all” is the most practical way to respond to it.

We have romanticized being satisfied with what we currently have long enough that it starts to justify resistance and misses the benefits that we can get if only we had taken that one great opportunity to make a change.

In your journey to becoming successful in your career or personal life, change can either be your friend or foe, it depends on how much you know to turn it into your advantage.

Resistance to Change

In 2016 Forbes’ company assessment, professionals, managers, and top executives got to assess their style in managing change. Data shows that leaders tend to overestimate how much employees are willing to change. Respondents were asked to choose between two statements:

1) People generally like to remain in the status quo
2) People generally want to reach for something bigger and better

The results astounded the leaders as it shows 45% of their people generally like to remain in the status quo, which suggests that frontline employees are reluctant to leave the current situation and hesitant to embrace change. This is a significant number that needs to be reduced for them to successfully facilitate changes in the company and let go of the old ways. Once they get through this, only then they can effectively bring their growth to reach for something bigger and better.


Appreciating the value of change can only be easier said than done. Because things can be intimidating when you are introduced to something new and set to do things for the first time outside your routine. There is a resistance to change because getting out of the convenience in the status quo is never an option — unless you are forced to do so. This speaks so much for the criticisms in the “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. Yes, it might be practical if we only talk about repainting the house or buying a new Smart TV. But in this fast-paced era of life, business, and technology, the pursuit of being the best version of yourself and achieving greater success with your career will not go anywhere. If you only wait for things to get broken first before you do some fixing.

Therefore, we need to fully understand the value of change. In this way, one could leverage it to achieve success in your career ventures and personal growth.

Why change is necessary?

If there’s one lesson that 2020 has taught us, it is the reality of how things can completely change in a blink of an eye, or in a single sneeze for that matter. Everything can change and we hold no control over it. It’s a big “Nothing is permanent” slap in the face, and those who weren’t able to adapt to the changes that took place were left either stale or totally gone.

The goal to become successful these days is all about embracing and mastering change. If you are not embracing change, you are not achieving anything. You are just living in the status quo and existing until fate will hit you again with a big slap in the face.

You owe it to yourself to reach your maximum potential and become everything that you have ever dreamed of being. The opportunity to go further than you’ve reached so far is always there, you just have to seize it. Your dreams can go from great to greater and you become better to best. But with grand pursuits come grand efforts, and grand efforts are the sum of all the little things you have done. These baby steps are the daily decisions that you had to make. Now, you must check yourself where you are:

Is it good?

Is it bad?

Is it the place you have pictured yourself to be five years ago?

After all, it is what and how you make it.

If you see that you are in a bad place, you surely don’t want to only sit and stare and do nothing about it. If you are already in a good place, you certainly want to sustain it and keep doing better. If you are not yet there, then you definitely want to reach that place at the soonest time possible.

But how do you arrive at your destination if you stuck yourself in the same place you’re in, doing the same things over and over again?

Amazon would not be the multi-billion Amazon that we all look up to if they remain an online retail store for physical books. It is through continuous learning, innovation and not missing opportunities during changing times that they became the largest and leading e-commerce, cloud computing, and AI company that they are today.

Who would have thought that the decline of demand in oil and gas furnaces during the 1950s, could be the greatest opportunity to spin the business of what we know now as one of the biggest and most popular children’s modeling clay, Play-Doh. Now they have reportedly sold over two billion cans of this colorful product used for crafts and arts.


The way these multi-billion scale corporations made their way through change and emerge to success can also be applied to your career and personal growth. Remember that the quality of life does not get better by chance. It can only get better by change. When you do things the same way you’ve done it in the past five years then you are settled with the same results. Should you wish to improve it and get better results, then you must do things differently.

7 ways to leverage change

The Grab Life by the Horns podcast episode: “How to change without losing yourself?”, talks about how your change is correlated to how you drive yourself to success. To succeed you can either make changes to reach your goal or change the goal itself. One must keep in mind that change is painful, and growth can be equally painful. All the changes that we need to go through, even changing for the better, always correspond to discomfort.

How something so uneasy and unsettling can be taken to your advantage? Here are seven simple ways:

  1. Have clarity of purpose
    You can turn to change into your advantage if you can clearly map out the compelling need for it. When your mission and vision are intact, you act efficiently. There will be no wasted time and energy because you do it intentionally.
  2. Be your captain.
    This requires self-discipline, integrity, and a great sense of accountability. Strong leadership skills are critical to managing change. Keep in mind that you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. You are capable to set your ship and sailing through the storm. Your full self-awareness is the key to guiding you on this revolutionary road.
  3. Be motivated by your passion
    Always go back to your “Whys”, “Why are you doing this?”, the answer must be strong enough to fuel your driving force to keep going. If you know your reason for doing this by heart, you will develop full trust and confidence in the decision that you make. That way, you will not be easily swayed by what other people have to say.
  4. Focus on the goal
    You must always keep your eyes on the prize. Do not get distracted by the things that are meant to delay you in arriving at your destination. You can bring yourself there in good condition or you’ll lose yourself stuck in the sidetracks. You may pause and reflect to evaluate the short-term results to make minor adjustments, but you must stick to the long-term goal.
  5. Be consistent
    Do not break the momentum while you are in the middle of the transition. Do not stop when you are tired most especially if you are distracted by doubts. Only stop when you are done. Consistency is always the key, implementation of the new approach is only the beginning. It should be a continuous effort. Success is not about how good you start, it is about how well you sustain it
  6. Understand the implications
    It is important that you clearly understand that making a change has its consequences. You must be willing to sacrifice and do whatever it takes. When you keep an open mind towards the implications of the changes, you are more capable to anticipate the needs in resolving possible threats and conflicts.
  7. Develop resilience
    More than anticipating the known risks, you as an individual aspiring for greater success would be able to cope with volatile and complex circumstances once you develop your adaptability to change. In an arena of constant change, your non-adaptive behaviour is the one that defeats you. The more you get used to enduring and emerging through the implications of disruption and adversities, the easier for you to survive and bounce back.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”- Charles Darwin

Change is constant. It is either you make a change or change makes you. Greater things do not come from your comfort zones. Sometimes it comes from the decision to make a change.

Let me ask you again if you can change one thing in your life, what is it?

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How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global How is the 5×5 Rule Changing Your Life?​ The 5×5 rule is a principle that helps people in putting their time and energy into the things that matter more. It states that you shouldn’t spend […]

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool?

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Why cheap food is an entrepreneurial tool? A whopping 92% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. These people have simple needs, and this is where entrepreneurs can do most of […]

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Don’t Stop Us NOW!

Are you prepared to act now and subscribe to our newsletter? SIGN UP NOW Posted by: Core Team, LegacyBuilders Global Don’t Stop Us NOW! Never give up. All those other people who have the same idea or even more skills than you have, have already given up. Never give up. And if you do, fight […]

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